
ponedjeljak, 14.09.2009.

gdje sam sad?

14.09.2009. u 12:01 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 15.03.2005.


blog te blagoslovio, što vrijeme ide:)

15.03.2005. u 17:31 • 20 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 18.06.2004.

it mejks things quite clear (slika, jel)

prvo procitat zadnji post pa onda ovo.

Little bacground.
Since the Western world is largely uneducated about Kozyrev, some biographical and research information is in order. This will establish that he was far from a “crank” or “crackpot” scientist, but was in fact considered as one of the pre-eminent Russian thinkers of the 20th century. Kozyrev’s first scientific paper was published at the tender age of seventeen, and other scientists were amazed by the depth and clarity of his logic. His main work was in astrophysics, where he studied the atmospheres of the Sun and other stars, the phenomenon of solar eclipses and radiation equilibrium. By age twenty he had already graduated from the University of Leningrad with a degree in physics and mathematics, and by age twenty-eight Dr. Kozyrev was widely known as a distinguished astronomer who had taught at several colleges.

Kozyrev’s abundant life took a most unfortunate and difficult turn in 1936, when he was arrested under the repressive laws of Josef Stalin, and in 1937 he began eleven torturous years enduring all the known horrors of a concentration camp. Although he did not have access to scientific equipment during this time, he was given the most brutal of initiation experiences into hidden knowledge. To an already enlightened mind, such bone-jarring hardship can effectively burn off all desire for gratification from the material world, removing the resistance to higher consciousness so that a state of illumination is produced where universal truth can be immediately recognized and assimilated. From this state, he mused deeply upon the mysteries of the Universe, paying attention to all the patterns that existed in life, wherein so many different organisms show signs of asymmetry and / or spiraling growth.

He knew that in the mid-1800s, Louis Pasteur discovered that the building block of life known as “protoplasm” is inherently not symmetrical, and that colonies of microbes grow in a spiral structure. These expanding proportions also underlie the structure of plants, insects, animals and people, as so many inheritors of the ancient tradition of the Atlantean Mysteries have written, when discussing “sacred geometry” such as the spiraling form known as Fibonacci, Golden Mean and / or “phi” spiral.

18.06.2004. u 14:38 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

Nikolai A. Kozyrev


dugo me nema ovdje.
jos citam ono o cem sam pricala prosli put. wanna glimpse?
"Dramatic scientific evidence that all of physical matter is formed by an “aether” of invisible, conscious energy has existed since at least the 1950s. Renowned Russian astrophysicist Dr. Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908-1983)proved beyond any doubt that such an energy source had to exist, and as a result he became one of the most controversial figures in the history of the Russian scientific community. The awesome implications of his work, and of all those who followed him, were almost entirely concealed by the former Soviet Union, but with the fall of the Iron Curtain and the advent of the Internet we are finally gaining access to “Russia’s Best-Kept Secret."
cijelo poglavlje. najtoplije preporucam.

18.06.2004. u 14:28 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

nedjelja, 16.05.2004.

your fakin' sunny day

Već par dana čitam neke teorije.
Nadopune kvantne fizike, do tog poglavlja sam došla.
Oduševljena sam i čini mi se da lebdim većinu vremena.
Ne sjećam se banalnih stvari.
Znate ono kada se ne sjećate jeste li zaključali kuću pa se u panici vraćate provjeriti.
Naravno da ste je zaključali.
Meni se takve stvari počinju događati sa svime. Zaključujem iz toga da puno stvari radim mehanički i nesvjesno. I čini mi se da mi se organizam počinje buniti protiv toga. Da mu je to dopizdilo i da me tjera da se bavim stvarima koja me uistinu zanimaju.
Kao npr. ta teorija koju čitam.
Tako da ova slika ispod ima neke veze sa tim. I žao mi je što je ispalo da sam postavila tešku pitalicu, ispada da s nikim ne želim na pivo:)
Ko me pozna, zna da to nije istina.

Bila sam juče pogledat Troju. I moram reći da je meni baš fino legla. Nema duuugih borbi, što mi paše, simpatično su riješili problem sa petom, Paris je fakat zajebo čega god se dotaknuo, aBrad nabildani Pitt je ispao pozitivna i negativna osoba, dakle kompleksan junak, što mi se također svidjelo. Naravno, opet sam htjela podavit kokoške koje su sjedile iza mene. U jednom trenutku sam zamišljala kako skačem sa stolice i kao ahil ih zatučem bocom umjesto mačem.
To me smirilo.

16.05.2004. u 18:31 • 4 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 13.05.2004.


what are these? :)

Što vidimo na ovoj slici?
Ko točno odgovori vodim ga na pifo:)

13.05.2004. u 19:24 • 21 KomentaraPrint#

koji kaos:)

ja i prije iz CG:)

nema me dva dana, i odma pizdarije na blogu:) more novih blogistica i blogista, clanci, promocije, statistike... ideš.
wow. well, to se i priželjkivalo. i be carefull what you wish josh jednom je iskočilo u oblaku iznad glave.
Na randomsko kliktanje i čitanje, ispalo je da cak i jedan broj novih blogistica znam odnekud, sa nekog foruma, chata, mejla ili cak uzivo, i to mi je bas simp(toma)aticno. moram jos pogledati masu toga i osvježiti afkors svoju blog listu.

...dakle, dodrndala se vlakom iz budimpeste, čudila se koliki je taj Balaton iz vlaka, čitala knjigu o channelingu, te doklipsala sa torbetinom, sjela na piće te nakon toga marš na filmsku školu u kino klub zagreb, gdje smo na nekom mini scenarijiću radili... svakako, interesantno, ali i malo too much mi je bilo. zeljela sam ipak se odmoriti nakon sto sam dva dana konstantno bila bombardirana novim informacijama.

Uglavnom, ono što svi već znate: maknuti se bilo gdje i upoznati nove različite ljude i na jako kratko vrijeme prilično je dragocjeno.
Ove dvi curke na slici su iz Montenegra, jedna radi u vladi, druga u nevladinom sektoru, i baš smo se fino izzahebavale po toj Budimpešti. Taj crnogorski naglasak je meni tako smijesan.
A razlike koje se ispostavljaju izmedju standarda zivota u srbiji / crnoj gori / bosni i hrvatskoj, sve se vise produbljuju.
tamo je totalni kaos. skoro ko ovdje na blogu ovih par dana:)

13.05.2004. u 00:02 • 4 KomentaraPrint#

nedjelja, 09.05.2004.


09.05.2004. u 20:43 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 05.05.2004.

teško je na dvije stolice

05.05.2004. u 01:09 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 03.05.2004.

T-shirt help needed

03.05.2004. u 17:15 • 4 KomentaraPrint#

nedjelja, 02.05.2004.


hedwig tattoo

02.05.2004. u 11:32 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 29.04.2004.

Ja pustila ... vijest

29.04.2004. u 15:15 • 7 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 28.04.2004.

Bjutiful Lambchop

28.04.2004. u 13:23 • 4 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 27.04.2004.

Is it working?

27.04.2004. u 15:17 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

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